Friday, December 16, 2011


We are going to be spending some time organizing our blogs. This blog will be the main blog and the other will be where we will be posting anything related to our photography. Expect more art to pop up as well. I have been doing a lot of little things with my time in bahrain.

I'm Back!

I spent a good portion of my time today writing in the warehouse. I think this is the first time I have sat down to actually put into words from start to finish what I have in my mind for a novel.
I find it interesting how I have had this in my head for so long and how it can still change and evolve as I write it. I know most of the major plot events and what my objective is with the story but, at least to me, the world feels like it is going to be more incredible, more real than it was before. I am just writing what comes to mind knowing that I can come back and tweak things later. Its awesome. Its kind of like reading a book I already know the ending to but am not sure how it happens... ha.
I was thinking about how time passes for a reader today. What may take me a couple hours to write someone may read in a few minutes and yet so much can happen in those few pages. An author can actually use their words to make you feel the long drawn out journey of a character and rush you though a whirlwind of events later on just by how he fills the page!
I am feeling creative again. Its not a task to sit down and write or to draw. I look forward to it. I look forward to that passage of time.
Its very liberating.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Just got a new camera and Derek thought it would be fun to test it by planking.

I think this might be the start of something special.

Thank you Canon...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Design Many Robots

Here are my Designs for the Design Many Robots contest. They were due today (April 4, 2011)at Midnight.

This first bot is Crabby. Mostly he immitates the movements of crabs. I would guess tat it is a little bit territorial and thinks of itself as something bigger than it truely is.

The Second design is like a giant, firey trash compactor with legs. You know those movies where people and superheroes get sucked into planes? yeah... not so fun.
Let me know what you think!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Original Tron Helmet

I love the TRON movie from 1982. I always thought the Identity discs were cool but kinda cheesy looking. But the helmets a freaking awesome. Like most props of the past, the Tron costumes were put together from found items (example:the graflex flash used to make lightsabers). So when I found out that the Tron Helmets were made out of Cooper SK 2000/2001 Hockey Helmets I snatched one up.

This should be a fairly easy project; buy the helmet, clean it up, and paint it. The hardest part was forking up the shipping cost to get my helmet to the US. Good luck finding one in the US. All the ones I looked at on ebay were from Canada.

Here is my helmet. I bought it knowing that it was missing a side bumper. I intend to make two new bumpers.

I stripped it down and discovered that one of the two halves was in less than good condition. That shouldn't matter much on the finished product.