Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Air Force Day!!!

And so ends the week...

This past week was long. Our instructor was out for the week and we had two different substitutes. One was an Air Force Staff Sergeant and the other was a retired member of the Navy. The Ssgt was a little excentric, enjoys theatre, and doesn't eat cat shaped animal crackers... yeah, weird. The ex-Navy instructor was pretty cookie cutter old guy. He is a little behind the curve on the lifestyles and slang of today's youth and will make jokes that not even the 28 year old Master Sergeant will laugh at.

So it sounds like this is how our education will continue. Our program is being terminated and a new progam has been developed and instructors are being sent to prepare for the new courses that will be taught starting in October. Our specific floor of the building wont see new students until after I am gone in November.

Friday was the Air Force's birthday! Yay! We had mandatory fun from 3pm until 6pm an then we all broke off to do whatever we wanted. The night was long. There was free food and beer everywhere. They tried to make it fun by getting some local bands and having auctions but we really wanted to get out of the heat. My little group ended up wandering for most of the night. The bowling alley was full so we walked about 3 miles... wandering before I pulled the plug and we all went to bed.

GI Joe was surely entertaining. I went in with low expectations and was pleasently dissapointed. It was an action movie made in a time of cheaper CGI. I bet we see more and more movies like this as the technology to produce it becomes more common and less expensive. I wont go too much into the story line and just share what I have learned:

  1. It is possible to be the main character, know all the key bad guys on a personal level, be the best of the best... of the best, run around like the incredible hulk in an exo suite, almost save Paris, and still have no one care about you. Sorry Duke but I was more interested in your buddy flying at Mach 6 than you being captured by your ex-girlfriend.
  2. A Vow of silence doesn't end after you have avenged your master's death.
  3. Ice sinks.... Damn you Cobra! You think of everything.


  1. What happened to #4? I find it quite comical that you occasionally cuss. I think swearing is funny most of the time.... unless someone is yelling at you... you and my dad make me laugh a lot :D

  2. Happy b-day Air Force! I found it comical that you had "mandatory fun" scheduled in.
