Sunday, June 28, 2009


I was at my parents house and we were taking Lily on a walk when I received a phone call. It was from the full-time missionaries on Lackland AFB. They told me they were trying to send me an email with pictures of Chris but Chris had given them the wrong email address so they had to call me to get the right one. They also informed me that they would have to earn the privilige of writing home so not to expect any letters for a couple of weeks. But they encouraged us all to write incouraging letters to him soon. Also.... I got the address wrong over the phone and I just updated it on the blog so you can have the real address. So send it to the new one!

165 days!

1 comment:

  1. Chris looks good. HOw nice of the Elders to get that message to you, and to go above and beyond when your address wasn't right. Most guys would have given up when the address was wrong. So yea that you got some more news. We will send him a letter tomorrow and try to find something fun and encouraging to add to it, I mean in the paper sense.
