Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Graduation countdown: 15 days! And a letter to boot!


These letters are so rare :( Let me get some important stuff out of the way. Next week like the 31st or somewhere around there, you will get a phone call from me that will be rushed and super short. Basically we will be going to the BEAST, but we will be telling you that we are deploying. We will be out in "the field" for a whole week. No mail, no contact. It's all good though. More to read when I get back :)

Today was the obstacle course. We marched an hour to the course and an hour back :( The course was 1.5 miles long and very exhausting. Crawling, climbing, swinging on ropes, climbing, crawling on a rope over water, swinging over water, lots of running and all in our uniform. By the time I was done I weighed about 20 lbs more due to water weight (sweat) and sand, and I lost a little skin on my finger, but it's all good.


I have less than ten minutes so I will try to get as much info as possible in here. Today was CBRNE training and the gas chamber. They drove us out where we are going to camp on week six and taught us a lot about being prepared for attacks and improvised explosive devices. So we all have gas masks issued to us. I think they are cool. We went into the gas chamber 20 at a time and did 10 jumping jacks before taking off our masks. It burns your skin... before you can leave the room they make you take two deep breaths and give a reporting statement. Not fun. It chokes you and you can't see and your nose runs....


So, ok... Where did I leave off? I told you about the obstacle course, I talked to you on the phone about 2 hours ago. What happened today? We worked in our wall lockers ( we got our "blues" uniforms this week) all morning. We wont even get to wear them until week seven... more stuff to inspect. :(

Have I ever told you that laundry crew sucks? Most of us are wearing dirty clothes today. We'll catch up tomorrow. Sunday is the only day we can expect to get laundry done.


We did our MIGA2 training yesterday... It sucked. Well it was fun, but I didn't get marksman. :( we had to shoot with gas mask inserts, the gas mask and a big huge hearing protection.. I had a hard time maintaining my stockweld while targeting.. Oh well I passed. I can still look forward to honor grad. That's a lot of hard work. I've got to keep pushing.

Today we took pictures in our Blues "big pimpin" uniform and we took the flight photo. I look pretty good in blues :) We do a lot of marching....

Let me tell you what we eat and how we eat. We get three meals a day and are required to eat. So the instructors can't punish us by not letting us eat, but they can restrict how much time we have to eat. So breakfast is about 5 minutes to eat, 7 for lunch and 10 for dinner. So it is your standard lunch line. Servers on one side and trainees on the other.We stand tray to tray and order our food with, :"please sir/mam" and a "thank you sir/mam." I usually have sausage, eggs, ham, french toast, yogurt, banana, a glass of water and a glass of gatorade. ( more than I used to eat at home) Sometimes it is hard to keep it down after PT.... for lunch we usually have roast beef or chicken with whatever they decide to put out. Green beans, carrots, broccoli, rice... sometimes they have ravilolies or spinach and cheese, rolls, bread.... fruit...left overs. Same with dinner. I think there is a quantity over quality rule the chef lives by, but the food isn't bad. We have had MREs twice so far. They are a lot better than the old ones my dad used to have. We will be eating those all week next week.

I got a letter from Marie and Ty today. It was pretty cool. I should write them if I get the time. I also got your letters from the 24th of July and that card from your grandparents.

Keep on keeping on. I do think about you a lot. I've only had two or three dreams wand you were in one. The other ones were BMT dreams :(

Well I have a lot to do before bed and need to be up at 0230. It's a detail day again... sigh. Put your shoulder to the wheel!!!!

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