Sunday, August 2, 2009

Who'da thunk?

I got two phone calls yesterday!! One for half and hour and then another one for 15 minutes. We discussed all of our travel plans and I asked him a lot of questions that I had. He also had 30 minutes of time to spend on the Internet.

His flight earned base liberty because they were given the assignment to put up a tent. His flight had the tent up and taken down and accomplished all their tasks before their brother flight even got the tent up. So they helped them put up the tent and take it down. He said they had been doing CPR this week as well. He said that you usually get Base Liberty the week before the BEAST. So that is this week so I will get a letter he sent out last week but after that probably two weeks of no communication. Pooh. But I get to see him in 18 days. I actually had a weird dream about it last night... it was like Christmas time and Bob and Barb we at Granny's and all my friends from work were there and we went to see the Airman's run and we saw Chris and then he snuck away to come see us and I was worried he would get in trouble so I sent him back. I always have weird dreams. Especially recently.

I asked him what his stats were for PT. He said he can run the mile and a half in 11:00. He can do 39 push ups and 38 sit ups. I think when he left he could do 32 on both of them. So he has improved but he is not good enough for honor grad with the physical test, so he is studying extra hard so he can get honor grad in the academic portion. He has to get 90% or higher to qualify. I have every faith that he can do it. So does his mom. That's why I have been getting so few letters lately. He is studying hard. I've been a little sad but it would be cool to go to the Honor Graduate Ceremony. So I am glad he is working hard.

So that's about all. He has 15 days of leave when he gets home to spend with family.... I wish I had 15 days of leave so we could be together the whole time, but, alas, I must work. As well as everyone else.

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