Saturday, September 12, 2009

Week 3 Update

Big week this week. Not a particularly difficult week but some stuff happened.

So my Training here is broken into 5 Blocks and we just completed the 1st block on Thursday. I scored 100% on the test and am now one step closer to distinguished grad and top grad. My next test is scheduled for the 25th and I am pretty confident I can repeat my previous success if I keep focusing on my studies. This block focuses on the components of a computer, how it works, and some basic instruction on some ways to protect and handle computer equipment, along with learning binary. I know most of this stuff so it shouldn't be to hard. Lots of review.

I was complemented on my marching yesterday. One of my old element leaders told me it is crazy see how still my head is when I march. Another airman started laughing and said, "Isn't that what he is supposed to do?" That made me feel good. I have thought that it would be fun to join the drill team but I just don't have the time. Its good to know that I can march with the discipline my MTI tried to instill during BMT.

I had my White Rope interview today. It went well. There were a few rough spots where I changed the wording of some of my memory work but it wasn't bad. My interviewer knew I wanted to be there for the right reasons and hopefully he is glad to have me in the program. I have 1 more interview and a written test to take before I put on my rope. I bought the rope on Saturday and will probably put it on during our rope meeting on Wednesday.

Megan has been doing a good job of keeping track of the days for me. I guess there are 66 until I graduate. It feels like time is actually going much faster. Bring on the Fall!!!

Shirt Shop Online!!! I've been gone for a while and multiple factors have pushed me to team up with an online distributor that I trust to make custom apparel and sell it via a provided, and customizable, online shop. I have a lot of ideas and more designing, less setup and making the product, is what I am looking for. So this should be fun. All the money we make on these shirts will go back into the business until Meg and I can reach a truly independent state. I hope you enjoy the designs. As sales increase the selection of designs will increase. If you have an Idea, email me. I can probably make something up and post it. If it sells it will stay in the shop.

So look forward to an update on the shop and a link to it from my blog. I will also fill you in with the details on what it is like to be a white rope and how my final interviews went.

Have a good sabbath


  1. I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well in your studies. All that computer stuff just makes my head spin so I am glad it makes sense to some. Keep up the good work. I am looking forward to the shop site.

  2. Sounds like your doing great. The support stuff is always good, sounds sort of chaplin officeish. It always worked well for your dad. Its going to be good to see you hopefully before thanksgiving.
