Sunday, September 27, 2009

Not enough time.

Its the end of another crazy week. Too many crazy things have happened to count.

Lets start with the test. I missed one question. That means my 100% goal has been shot. My current GPA is 98.5%. That hurt for only a minute. We went to a graduation that day and there was one prior service student who scored a straight 100%. I guess that hasn't happened in over 5 years. There is only one student in my class who still has 100% and he is a Master Sergeant. There are more important things than being perfect. I have other responsibilities like running activities in the fishbowl, keeping my roomate out of trouble, and staying in shape.... So maybe I can afford to graduate without being the best in my class.

Oh yes, my roomate has created some stress. He came in two weeks ago telling me that he would be no trouble and seemed to be a very clean individual. Since then I have discovered that his deffinition of clean is less than standard and I caught him drinking Alcohol in my room. After offering alcohol to my friend when we caught him, I told him I would not tolerate Alcohol in my room and advised him to get rid of it immediately. We left and told a Student leader everything that happened. Since then he appologized 100 times. He is a nice guy but he could use some growing up.

Last Sunday a young A1C took it upon himself to get very drunk, defficate on the floor in the hallway of his dormitory, and then paint the floor with it. He was pulled infront of the whole squadron on Monday afternoon formation to explain what he had done but was too embarassed to say anything. An MTL only explained that those who are of age to drink should never drink soo much that they can not remember what they did the night before. After I found out what he had done I was pretty disgusted.

Some of the things Airmen do is so wrong. We represent our country. I guess when some airmen are out of uniform they think they can do whatever they want. What makes me more frustrated is the fact that their are soo many A1Cs out there willing to act like morons or not care. Rank means soo much in the military and as an Amn, someone who signed up at the same approximate time as everyone else here, it stings me personally to see my peers act so irresponsibily. Friday night we were placed on lockdown after horrible room inspections, and while on lockdown it was diiscovered that someone in the squadron stole a laptop.

Leadership is starting to drop the hammer and everyone suffers for the acts of a few. Sadly, most of these Arimen do not learn.

I'm sorry I haven't given the link for the shirt shops yet. This week has been busy. I have the designs. I just need to make the jump from paper to the computer. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Have a good week!


  1. It sounds like you are handling everything that's going on well. We are proud of you. I think that not having 100% is okay too. You're right, other things are important too so maintaining a healthy balance is more imoprtant than being #1 in your class. You are still doing amazing anyway though. I'm glad to see that you don't have unrealistic expectations but healthy ones. Keep up the good work.
    Ya, that whole defecating incident sounds like it was awful.

  2. isnt it amazing the things people think they can get away with. Hopefully as these guys get older they will grow out of this. But It sounds like you're doing well and especially being a good example in a very different environment.
