Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 25


Hey Megan!
I'm tired... This week has been hard. Tomorrow we start third week. These guys are so young it sucks. I am trying to be patient but it is hard. Things got shaken up and we are all in different beds. Everyone disliked that and the new leaders in our flight are just as immature as everyone else. This week is known as "Hell Week," because everyone is going to start to snap and get in each other's faces. Fun.

We had our first official inspection yesterday and I actually got caught lying to and instructor!
He asked me if I used the spare razors in the back of my drawer and the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "No." He found hair on one and chewed me out for being a liar. I was really disappointed in myself. I couldn't believe that happened. :( We did our second evaluation for PT on Thursday and I clocked in at 11:40 on my run. I need to push harder. I need to make 9:30 by week seven. I know I can do it. It just wont be fun. At all. I'm sure I am losing weight. We eat a lot and drink a lot, but we also move a lot. I guess that our flight has a good chance of making PT excellence. More than 40 of us are running in the fastest lane during PT. We are all getting overconfident and it's just a matter of time until everything crashes down. There isn't much I can do to prevent it. There is too much ego here.

My drill is getting better. My legs just take a little extra time to get everything down so I practice that when I can. It is going to look really cool when we march on graduation day.

This is definitely the hardest experience of my life. I don't recommend it to those who are between the ages of 17-20. It's like a bad day everyday.. My pulse is at 66 btm. That is the lowest it has been my whole time here! When I was running the other day it was at 170 bpm.

So our TI is Staff Sergeant Dancer. He is like 6'7" and weighs about 200 lbs. He is always wired and sometimes he'll show up to the dorm with Mountain Dew or a Monster. He is actually a lot cooler than most. I think we all really look up to him and respect him because he seems more human than some TIs.

I really want a snack right now.

So I think I am currently back under the radar and am not sure if I want to stay under the radar for long. I don't really see myself as a leader. I am more of the advising type..... sigh, we'll see what happens.

There were four Mormons in our flight and from the sound of it, that is some kind of record. Well one of us was sent off to the 319th because his eyes kept blanking out... he should have never come here. What a waste of time. So the three of us that are left are all next to each other. We are all married and we tend to perform better than most of the other trainees. Probably because we are older. People ask the funniest questions and since we didn't have name tapes to start we were called "The Mormons" and it has stuck.

I enjoy your letters. It is cool that I get one every time he passes out mail. I wish I could write more. There is a rumor that we might get Base Liberty next weekend.... we'll see how that goes. If so then I'll probably be calling again.

You are still in my prayers! (of course) Thank you for giving me strength!



It's a Sunday and I am sweating. I spent all morning doing laundry. Sigh. Laundry sucks. We did towels, underwear and t-shirts.

I slept pretty good last night. We pretty much eat, stand in line and go to church on Sundays. The rest of our time goes to folding clothes and studying.

Church starts at 14:30 and it is half and hour march to the chapel. We only go for two hours and we are back just in time for dinner. I think you will find our church services interesting if you come.

I get paid on the 1st and the 15th and I guess all special pays are split between the two. Make sure you let me know how much we are getting paid so I can fix any errors.

A TI told me to march out to the patio and tell all the trainees that is was closed because of the heat. That was fun. All these older trainees looked at me like, "Who are you?" I yelled at them again. Then they heard the TI behind me and they scattered like rats.

Well I'm off to church....

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that Chris is hanging in there. We will have to try to get 2 letters off this week since it's "hell week." I'm guessing any outside pick-me-ups will be helpful at such a time. I enjoy Chris's letters and honesty. I feel like I am getting to know him better even though he's miles away. Thanks for the posts, and for being such a brave sis. You're both doing awesome stuff!
