Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 15: A phone call and letter home

Today was eventful. I sent the usual letter in the mail when I leave for work and then I went to work and then to the Doctor and then back to work. I always leave my phone concealed on my desk so I can feel it vibrate but people can't see it so I wont get in trouble because cell phones are a no no in my workplace. So at 4:50 my phone starts vibrating. I look at it and it is a number I don't know with an area code I didn't recognize so I am like.. It's gotta be Chris... but I am stuck on the phone talking to this dumb guy wanting to transfer $1800.00 out of his account. Who does that? Honestly... so I miss the call and I am sad and determined at the same time that I am going to finish with this dumb man and call the number back. So as soon as I am ending the call with this guy my phone starts vibrating again. So I lock my computer and run out into the hall and answered the phone.... I didn't recognize the voice. I figured it was Chris but he sounded so weird. So I asked who it was and he said Chris. So I said you sound so weird. And he said, "Well we are all a little sick around here." I asked him why and he said, "When you get 60 guys living in the same dorm sharing one bathroom everyone gets sick. We call it the crud." I asked him how he was and he said he was tired but good. He said things aren't as crazy around her like the last time I called you but they are still pretty crazy. So I asked him why I hadn't gotten a letter from him because I thought it was pretty unusual for me to get a phone call from him and not a letter. He said he had sent me one on Saturday so I should be getting one soon. And I got one in the mail today!! :D. But we were talking about letters and he told me he got the one with the picture of us from our wedding and then he got another one today that had the picture of our house with the flag and the dead grass.
I wanted him to see how Patriotic I was and also how mysterious it was that our grass just died. He said he didn't have a chance to read it yet but that his MTI made fun of him for it. Because over the week of the Holiday I couldn't send out his letters so they stacked up, because I write him everyday, so this enveloped had like 4 days worth of letters and I couldn't get the envelope to seal so I had to use the only tape in our house which happens to be a blue roll of painter's tape. So when his MTI saw that he asked him if I was painting the house and they all made fun of him. So I thought that was pretty funny and I had used the tape like that on two letters... so the blue tape is a no no. I guess I will just have to use more than one stamp instead of cramming it all in one envelope. He told me his letters might be a little random and disconnected because he writes whenever he has the chance and then sends it out whenever they send mail. I told him... oh so they will be like my letters. I usually write him a letter at work in between calls that I just write weird stuff. Like yesterday I wrote him two dorky poems. I think they will put a smile on his face though. Then we talked about finances and how stressed I had been and how we hoped I would be able to come to his graduation. He had also left me a message about the information he needs to get for everyone who wants to come to his graduation. So we talked about that. And I had so many questions to ask him that I just forgot while we were talking. He asked me how Lily was and I told him she had been moody with me because we were playing volleyball at my parents house with Marie and Tyler and the Buchanans and we couldn't keep her outside because she would chase the ball around. So when I took her home that evening and ever since she had been moody and wont sleep with me. She keeps trying to sleep under the bed so I drag her out and put her in her kennel. The poor thing. I had demonic calls today so I was 40 minutes late coming home from work and she was so sad. She has separation anxiety. So she is outside chewing on grass to help her feel less stressed. Which isn't good. She hasn't been eating her food either.... Maybe it is time I called the vet again. Poor thing. But then he asked me how I was and I said good. I had been so busy with Marie, Ty and Lucy here that I had been going back and forth from their house to my house and I said, "I don't know how you handled driving to and from SLC everyday. That must have really sucked." Then people started telling him how much time he had left. So he told me to listen to his message about his graduation and send out the letter with everyone who was coming so he could get them cleared to come on base for the graduation. And then we said goodbye. So we talked for about three minutes. But here are the letters he sent.

I guess I'll start by just letting you know that no one can send me anything but letters. The TI's go through everything!
It has been harder than I thought, a lot harder, but I know it is worth it. A lot of people don't have the advantage of knowing what they are doing this for. I know what job awaits me and that you will be there. When things are the hardest I try to remember why I am here.

The group started with 60 and we have lost 4 and gained 2. The 2 we gained were "recycled" from older flights because they received too many derogatory comments and 341's (Disciple forms.) Believe it or not, I had four pulled this week alone. They say that five will give you a "U" for the week of training and a "U" will disqualify you from getting Honor Grad. So everyone is constantly stressed.

It is one of the hottest summers on record down here and I will be here throughout the worst of it. It is usually around 100-107 degrees outside. We can't even march in that heat.

Out MTI is 6'7" 207 lbs and when we first got here he was like a demon from Heck!... Sometimes he still is.

Zero week was a whirl of screaming and running like chickens with heads cut off. They want us to absorb so much so fast!

Church was a long hard 30 minute march on Sunday and I cried when I thought about you. I miss you soo much. I cling to that last hug and kiss you gave to me at the airport and can't wait to hold you again.

I love you, I pray for your strength as well as mine.

Chirstopher W Clark

P.S. I am sorry this was so short. We have so little time. I got your letter dated June 28th and a letter from Ty and Marie. I look forward to a picture :)


I hope you enjoyed fireworks and family today. We had our first wall locker and dorm inspections today and everyone failed! Everything in our dorm is inspectable from here out. I am on Laundry Crew and that is stressful at the moment. Everyone is crying about not getting clothes back or about how they are not clean enough. I just tell them that if they follow the instuctions they were given that everything will be fine.... bunch of whining teens.

Yeah we stink pretty good. I don't care. I am losing weight. The TI seems to think our Flight can get some fitness award. So I am doing exercises at night. I am gonna be ripped! We test again on Thursday. I will let you know how I am doing.

The guys cried again today when they lost a phone call we never knew we had. The TI's like to tell us stuff to get us motivated. :) Patience is very important for us older guys here. It's usually a mistake or error on the part of a younger trainee that creates discomfort for everyone.

I will need new garments.... the day I get off this base. So we graduate on the 21st! That is quicker than I anticipated. Unfortunately I will be stuck here until the 30th doing details and mentoring trainees. I want to get out as soon as possible!

Let me know what is going on at home or write me questions. One day I might get a call home but don't expect it. Keep me in the loop on finances. I really want you to be there when I graduate!

Well I have got to go. It's time to send mail..
I love you!

Christopher W Clark :)

So there you have it... I didn't even cry today. Which I think is an accomplishment..... but the day isn't over and waking up in the morning is the hardest. Peace out.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you got a letter and a phone call- FINALLY! What sweet letters Chris sent. I cried reading them. You guys are definitely going through some tough stuff, but it is so neat to see the resolve and long term perspective you both have. You know that there is purpose to this and you are being TOUGH and doing what it takes to make things in the big picture better. You are both inspiring! I can't believe the heat and everything Chris has to deal with. 60 guys sharing one bathroom! that sounds barbaric! I guess health codes don't apply to the military! Anyway, thanks for the posts. I love to keep up with what you are both experiencing and draw strength and motivation from your reslove and determination. We love you both and lily too.
