Saturday, July 11, 2009

Life scare on the homefront....

So I like aged ten years today. I woke up at 7:22 and Lily woke up with me. So I got a bowl of cereal and then laid back in bed for what ended up being ten minutes. So Lily jumped on the bed and was chomping on something. So I sit up and discover she is chewing on the remnants of one of my pill bottles.... so I jump out of bed and start an inventory of all the drugs in my bathroom and of course my latest sleeping pill is gone... so I start searching the house to find the rest of the bottle and all the pills... but I couldn't find them... so I am freaking out that my dog just overdosed on Halcion and am waiting for her to fall asleep. So I called the pharmacy and they weren't open so then I tried the emergency number with Lily's veterinarian. He told me we needed to induce vomiting. So I said I have hydrogen peroxide and he starts telling me I need thirty ccs of it... so I was like... how much is that? So we talk about it and I am trying to figure out how to make her drink it... well I had no way so the vet tells me we could meet there but he would charge an $80 emergency visit fee... I was like I don't have $80...... So I start calling people to see if thy have a syringe and I called the closest family and then didn't have 0ne but they sent Trevor to the store to get one. So then I call my parents and they didn't have one either. So my dad told me that a dog will usually vomit on its own when it eats something bad... so I remembered a time when Molly got some stomach medicine and puked all night. So I thought that was probable so I went outside and started looking for puke. Well there was nothing outside and it had been 20-30 minutes and Lily was just normal. So I remembered she had puked under our bed before and I hadn't noticed so I start taking stuff out from under the bed and I found the rest of the bottle and all but one of the pills. So we are very lucky.... we could have had a major disaster this morning. So I am certain Chris was praying for us and that is why we're ok. Needless to say the remaining drugs are well out of reach.

1 comment:

  1. oKay, ya that is SUPER scary! What an awful feeling it is when someone, or some animal in this case, you love is in danger. I am soooo glad that everything turned out okay. Sorry I have been busy unpacking and taking care of Lu and I worked Friday so I have been a bit out of the communication lines. We are starting to get settled though so things should start getting into a routine soon.
