Sunday, November 15, 2009

Final Countdown!

I had a hard time sleeping last night. Time is ticking down. Tomorrow we have "reflection" time and a class party, Tuesday is the test and graduation and.... Wednesday I go HOME!!!

So I will be spending most of my time today studying and getting ready to go home. I roped out yesterday and am spending this morning in the Student Ministry Center... talkin to you!

I realized while packing, that I don't have as much junk as I thought. It will all fit into a duffle bag and my suit bag. Thats not so bad. I was all worried I would have to spend all this money to shift stuff home.

Well I'm off!

Don't call me I'll call you....

....when I'm ready
.....after I'm rested.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Last week of fun

We are now entering the last full week of tech school. There will only be 3 days of school this week; Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. During this last week I will be making my final preparations for departure and studying for my final test.

I already began my out processing this past week and should know by Monday when my flight is.

Now I need to figure out what is going home and how I am going to get it there. I haven't picked up much in my time here. Maybe a shirt or two so I just need to use my finely tuned packing skills to get all my clothes and study materials home.

The final Block test is 20 questions and if I miss even one my 98% GPA will drop a point. It seems the race is tight for Distinguished Graduate. There can only be 4 or 5 of us and Top Graduate will probably be taken by a Staff Sergeant who has a 100% GPA. Whatever happens happens. Saying that I graduated with a 98% in my career field is really good on my resume.

I rope out on Saturday the 14th. The White program has been pretty good to me. I have given a lot to the program and have gotten quite a bit back. To tell the truth I am feeling pretty trunky though. All the new faces in the program feel like strangers to me and there are a lot who I feel are wreck less within the program. For better or for worse I will leave the program as it changes and evolves. My last contributions are to finish the new Continuity binders and train my probe.

When I get home Meg and I will take some time to plan what big things are going to happen next and we have a few options available to us.

A friend dropped off a gift set of World of Warcraft with a free months trial. I read some of the game manual. Many people in my career field, including my instructors play it. I'll pack it away and perhaps play it later. One of the major issues with the game is its tendency to be addictive and consume a lot of time.

Another Airman is leaving on the 12th, Thursday, and wants to sell me his WACOM tablet for $100. That would be freakin Awesome! The deal Megan and I came up with is that if I can make $100 dollars then I can spend $100. Sounds pretty good to me. So I have a few quick art projects to get done.

So everything is getting pretty close, running down to the wire, DONE! OVER! FIN!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

17 Days running down

The end is comming and things are busier than ever!

Volunteering at the Haunted house was not very rewarding. I was planning on volunteering two more days this week but was told not to because I would not be able to work Halloween night. I beleive the Sergeants exact phrase was," If you can't devote your whole weekend, walk away now."

So I did. There are plenty of other things for me to do.

Last night was the Fall Festival Party at the Fishbowl. I participated and enjoyd most of it. My probe was there. "Probe" is the word we use for those Airmen who are on a probationary status waiting to become a White rope. I only got to teach him a little because of all the craziness going on.

I open the fishbowl this morning and plan on using a lot of that time to finish the Continuity project I started. Hopefully this will help streamline the training system there and increase the quality of our Ropes. Right now everyone has questions or doubts on what their responsibilities are.

I would also like to get some art done today but Idon't know if that will happen.

My roomate left this week so I just might finish off my time here alone. I would be glad to do it. Always worrying about the room while I am gone isn't fun. So now it all rests on my shoulders. I'll clean it and he wont be around to dirty it. He was a good guy though.

I learned this week that I am much closer to getting my associates than I once thought. This training course gives me 26 credits in computer science. I should be able to come home, take a few tests and by spring have my CCAF (Community College of the Air Force) Associates degree! Then I will be that much closer to a bachelors degree in Visual Communications / Graphic Design!!! Sweet!

I will be back to work on the 23rd of November and will be steadily moving up the ladder until this time next year when I will probably get a new job at a higher pay grade. Also I hope to see promotion to Seinor Airman this year.

So a lot is going on and should be pretty good come 2010!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Shirts online

OK!!! Only 3 shirts there right now but it is up. A temporary site for my shirts! I will let you know when I post something new.

Check it out.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Block 4

Halloween is coming fast and I am trying to stay busy. I volunteered for a Haunted house and it has not been very fun. Yesterday we started with 40 people and after about an hour there were 7 of us. There isn't much direction but it will come together enough to scare some people.

I was White Rope of the week this week. That is cool. It puts me in the running for White Rope of the month. Then I would get a chaplain coin and a letter from the chaplains. Sweet!

We are doing a project to decorate our door for Halloween. So there is a competition going on there. There are two projects for the Squadrons I work with and a poster for the fishbowl to get done.

I got a 95 on my last test o my GPA is currently at 97.3. I really need to find some time to study for this next test on Wednesday. It will be a long weekend....

I just met a guy with a WACOM tablet... I am so jealous. I draw everything out on paper, ink it and then walk all the way to the library to scan it and then work it in the computer. This guy just does it all with one interface! grrr.... he spent $280 on it cuts is work time in half. Not to mention how many leaps forward he can take in his design and art now that he has more time!

sigh... he is selling it ;)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Columbus Day

Ok, two weeks with nothing. Thats all of block 3!

So tomorrow is my block 3 test. I have been studying all through my shift at fishbowl and now I have the laptop out to write this blog and try to get some artwork done.

Its hard to rely on other people to get stuff done. Everyone in the class wrote up questions for a practice test and come to find out, no one remembered me. I thought that would happen. No biggy I'll just study on my own. The goal is 97 or higher.

So we are in the middle of a 3,3,3. Three days off, three days on three days off! We have no school this coming Friday so a lot of us are going to get fat. I need to work out more... More sweat!

Nothng too crazy is going on out here in Mississippi. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to share in the next few days.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Not enough time.

Its the end of another crazy week. Too many crazy things have happened to count.

Lets start with the test. I missed one question. That means my 100% goal has been shot. My current GPA is 98.5%. That hurt for only a minute. We went to a graduation that day and there was one prior service student who scored a straight 100%. I guess that hasn't happened in over 5 years. There is only one student in my class who still has 100% and he is a Master Sergeant. There are more important things than being perfect. I have other responsibilities like running activities in the fishbowl, keeping my roomate out of trouble, and staying in shape.... So maybe I can afford to graduate without being the best in my class.

Oh yes, my roomate has created some stress. He came in two weeks ago telling me that he would be no trouble and seemed to be a very clean individual. Since then I have discovered that his deffinition of clean is less than standard and I caught him drinking Alcohol in my room. After offering alcohol to my friend when we caught him, I told him I would not tolerate Alcohol in my room and advised him to get rid of it immediately. We left and told a Student leader everything that happened. Since then he appologized 100 times. He is a nice guy but he could use some growing up.

Last Sunday a young A1C took it upon himself to get very drunk, defficate on the floor in the hallway of his dormitory, and then paint the floor with it. He was pulled infront of the whole squadron on Monday afternoon formation to explain what he had done but was too embarassed to say anything. An MTL only explained that those who are of age to drink should never drink soo much that they can not remember what they did the night before. After I found out what he had done I was pretty disgusted.

Some of the things Airmen do is so wrong. We represent our country. I guess when some airmen are out of uniform they think they can do whatever they want. What makes me more frustrated is the fact that their are soo many A1Cs out there willing to act like morons or not care. Rank means soo much in the military and as an Amn, someone who signed up at the same approximate time as everyone else here, it stings me personally to see my peers act so irresponsibily. Friday night we were placed on lockdown after horrible room inspections, and while on lockdown it was diiscovered that someone in the squadron stole a laptop.

Leadership is starting to drop the hammer and everyone suffers for the acts of a few. Sadly, most of these Arimen do not learn.

I'm sorry I haven't given the link for the shirt shops yet. This week has been busy. I have the designs. I just need to make the jump from paper to the computer. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Have a good week!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Air Force Day!!!

And so ends the week...

This past week was long. Our instructor was out for the week and we had two different substitutes. One was an Air Force Staff Sergeant and the other was a retired member of the Navy. The Ssgt was a little excentric, enjoys theatre, and doesn't eat cat shaped animal crackers... yeah, weird. The ex-Navy instructor was pretty cookie cutter old guy. He is a little behind the curve on the lifestyles and slang of today's youth and will make jokes that not even the 28 year old Master Sergeant will laugh at.

So it sounds like this is how our education will continue. Our program is being terminated and a new progam has been developed and instructors are being sent to prepare for the new courses that will be taught starting in October. Our specific floor of the building wont see new students until after I am gone in November.

Friday was the Air Force's birthday! Yay! We had mandatory fun from 3pm until 6pm an then we all broke off to do whatever we wanted. The night was long. There was free food and beer everywhere. They tried to make it fun by getting some local bands and having auctions but we really wanted to get out of the heat. My little group ended up wandering for most of the night. The bowling alley was full so we walked about 3 miles... wandering before I pulled the plug and we all went to bed.

GI Joe was surely entertaining. I went in with low expectations and was pleasently dissapointed. It was an action movie made in a time of cheaper CGI. I bet we see more and more movies like this as the technology to produce it becomes more common and less expensive. I wont go too much into the story line and just share what I have learned:

  1. It is possible to be the main character, know all the key bad guys on a personal level, be the best of the best... of the best, run around like the incredible hulk in an exo suite, almost save Paris, and still have no one care about you. Sorry Duke but I was more interested in your buddy flying at Mach 6 than you being captured by your ex-girlfriend.
  2. A Vow of silence doesn't end after you have avenged your master's death.
  3. Ice sinks.... Damn you Cobra! You think of everything.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Week 3 Update

Big week this week. Not a particularly difficult week but some stuff happened.

So my Training here is broken into 5 Blocks and we just completed the 1st block on Thursday. I scored 100% on the test and am now one step closer to distinguished grad and top grad. My next test is scheduled for the 25th and I am pretty confident I can repeat my previous success if I keep focusing on my studies. This block focuses on the components of a computer, how it works, and some basic instruction on some ways to protect and handle computer equipment, along with learning binary. I know most of this stuff so it shouldn't be to hard. Lots of review.

I was complemented on my marching yesterday. One of my old element leaders told me it is crazy see how still my head is when I march. Another airman started laughing and said, "Isn't that what he is supposed to do?" That made me feel good. I have thought that it would be fun to join the drill team but I just don't have the time. Its good to know that I can march with the discipline my MTI tried to instill during BMT.

I had my White Rope interview today. It went well. There were a few rough spots where I changed the wording of some of my memory work but it wasn't bad. My interviewer knew I wanted to be there for the right reasons and hopefully he is glad to have me in the program. I have 1 more interview and a written test to take before I put on my rope. I bought the rope on Saturday and will probably put it on during our rope meeting on Wednesday.

Megan has been doing a good job of keeping track of the days for me. I guess there are 66 until I graduate. It feels like time is actually going much faster. Bring on the Fall!!!

Shirt Shop Online!!! I've been gone for a while and multiple factors have pushed me to team up with an online distributor that I trust to make custom apparel and sell it via a provided, and customizable, online shop. I have a lot of ideas and more designing, less setup and making the product, is what I am looking for. So this should be fun. All the money we make on these shirts will go back into the business until Meg and I can reach a truly independent state. I hope you enjoy the designs. As sales increase the selection of designs will increase. If you have an Idea, email me. I can probably make something up and post it. If it sells it will stay in the shop.

So look forward to an update on the shop and a link to it from my blog. I will also fill you in with the details on what it is like to be a white rope and how my final interviews went.

Have a good sabbath

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Here we are at the end of Week 2. We are on lock down. Church starts at 1400 and it is currently 1310. The severe weather ( a lot of rain and some lightning is keeping us from going outside too much.
I will make the most of it and give you a good post. Let's see... we started school. So we get up at 4 am on Monday, we are all formed up at 5 to go to school and when we finally get there we are told that school didn't start until Tuesday so we marched back to the Dormitory and changed out of our blues (we wear blues every Monday in the Air Force unless our job that day required us to wear ABUs) to go to AFI (Awaiting Further Instruction.) So while an Airman is on AFi they are waiting to be tasked with something menial to do. They made us walk around the building for 45 minutes picking up trash and then we spent 2 hours cleaning hallways and dayrooms. So imagine 40 young men in the 20s picking up trash and cleaning halls that are cleaned everyday anyway... Yeah... um we are all getting paid regardless of what we are doing so I guess I should be grateful they didn't try to find us anything harder to do. Well after lunch they sent 4 of us halfway across vase to help people move furniture for an hour. It took us longer to walk there and back than to do the work they wanted us to do. Needless to say Monday was long and we were glad when we were finally released for the day.

Ok, our first day of school... it was good. A lot less oppressive than I thought it would be. The teacher is a civilian and she has a really upbeat attitude. We spent the first day getting to know each other and going over class rules. On Wednesday when we actually started to work I was surprised to find myself a whole day ahead of everyone else in my class. I didn't even feel like I worked very hard. The whole course is split into 5 blocks or divisions and I have decided that block 1 is really easy. Our block test in on the 10th and I should have all my chapters and bookwork done by tomorrow. I haven't had too much time on this 4 day weekend to study. I have been busy working with the student leaders over in the "fishbowl" everyday.

The Fishbowl Student Ministry Center and the white rope program are pretty cool. Especially for those who are still in their first phase here on base. I started working in the White Rope program on Thursday and have been working one 3+ hours shift every day since. The mission of the Fishbowl is to provide a place for students to gather in a safe environment and relax from the stresses of school. The whole program is built on four pillars; Spiritual Formation, Authentic Community, Leadership Development and service opportunities. To serve, that is what we do as white ropes. There are many things the Airmen can do from playing X-box on the big screen to playing any musical instruments we have to offer. This week we have watched more movies than I care to see but watching people play the instruments is fun. The program here at Keesler AFB is run by the Chaplains and is the first and oldest organization of its kind in the Air Force.

Another Airman and I are running everyday to try and keep in shape. It has now been 3 1/2 weeks since we have been on a serious workout program and when we get hit with PT testing a few of us actually want to pass. So hopefully and weight I gain will be muscle. Then I can play some more sporty stuff with the sporty people like Jason and Tyler.

That's about it for now. I will be sure to update everyone on my current business venture in my next post.

Have a good week

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Technical Training

Alrighty, Meg has been doing more than a good job of keeping people posted here. I guess it is time for me to pick it up.

I have been at Keesler AFB for almost a week now and I guess I should let you know what it is like here. People told me it would be hotter and more wet but it is actually really nice right now. There is much more green and everything looks well kept. I live on a part of the base known as the Triangle. There are 8 or 9, three story dormitories surrounding a courtyard. Each Dormitory floor is divided into bays and there are about 20 rooms in a bay with 2 students to a room. So we are looking at about 2880 to 3240 students year round. That doesn't include Prior Service members (members of the Air force who are being retrained) who are housed off base.

This last week we spent most of our time in briefings and settling in to our rooms. My roommate's name is Simmons, is 21 and is in phase 3 (I will explain phases in a minute). When I first got to the dorm I opened the door and there were 2 Airmen, one was my roommate, wrestling on the floor in civilian clothes. They stopped briefly to introduce themselves and then continued. Later we shared a little about ourselves and I let him know that I was Mormon (no one in the south knows us by LDS or The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints). On his own he is a really cool guy. He disappeared this weekend going to parties and getting wasted like many others but he tries to understand me and respects my space so I am not complaining.

Phases! There are three of them here. Each phase is 2 weeks long and grants us increased liberties. The program is designed to help us transition from BMT living to life in the operational Air Force.

Phase 1 restricts students to base freedoms and they must wear their uniforms on and off duty. The curfew is 10 pm and no electronic devices can be outside of the dormitory. That said, uniforms and electronics can be used inside the dorm. I put my civilian pants on for the first time in 9 weeks and they just about fell off... sweet.

Phase 2 allows students to go off base but they must be in their Blues uniform. Civilian clothes can also be worn outside the dormitory but are restricted to the base. In this phase electronics can be worn while not in uniform and the curfew changes to 12 am

Phase 3 allows students to go off base in civilian clothes and there is no curfew.

The goal is for each member to maintain their military Bearing and customs and courtesies as they interact with all types of people on and off base. Once an Airman, always an Airman, in all places and at all times. So it may seem like 2 weeks is a short period of time but at anytime an MTL (Military Training Leader) can take those liberties away and more. There are many Airmen who have been reduced to phase one or have even been put through RMT (Remedial Military Training). It would seem that many students have lost their earned liberties but I am confident that it isn't hard for a student with a mature attitude and a little common sense to get through without worry.

The Wing Commander and Command Chief came and talked to us this past week and gave us a few facts on Keesler and insights on the Air force in general:
  1. The 81st Training Wing, at Keesler, is the largest training wing in the Air force.
  2. "Only 1% of all Americans become Airmen in the United States Air Force... Those are the United States citizens who enlist, complete basic military training and successfully graduate from tech school... You are truly second to none."
  3. "The Army is our mother service and for that we are grateful. They cover the ground. The navy, marines & coast guard cover the sea. That is about 70% water. Last time I checked the world was surrounded by what? ...Air! So I guess we have it all covered. And again, not to be rude but we are capable of and can win a war faster than any other service... What is our mission? blow crap up!"
  4. If you plan on being in the service for 20 years then there is no reason that you shouldn't earn a Master's Degree. On average the Air Force enlisted member has more education than an officer.
  5. With the new "Post 9-11 GI Bill" members receive up to 100% tuition and fee coverage,
    up to $1000 a year for books and Supplies, a one time relocation allowance, and the option to transfer benefits to Family Members.

That last one is really cool. That means Megan and I can both go to school with very little out of pocket expenses. Of course there are eligibility requirements for 100% coverage but anything is better than nothing.

Lastly I'll just summarize what will happen in this week to come. I will be starting my classes, start attending church activities, start a fitness program, and start my application and probation in the White Rope program (I will explain this next week).

Have a good week and I will talk to you soon!!!

Amn Christopher Wade Clark

United States Air Force

Keesler AFB, MS

Monday, August 24, 2009


I have just returned from the journey to San Antonio which I am grateful because I spent two hours driving around San Antonio trying to drop off my rental car.... so stressful. I was crying because I was sure I was going to miss my flight, but all's well that ends well and I am home and it ended well. I actually had a cool experience coming home which made the day more rewarding than driving around San Antonio for hours and still not knowing where anything was. I was sitting at the gate and this guy sits next to me and is all social... so I talk to him about San Antonio and my trip and he told me that he was here playing music and we talked about all the places he has traveled and how he is on his way to San Diego and I told him I loved it there... so we just chit chatted until we boarded.

So I sit down in my seat and wait for us to take off and this really tall big guy sits next to me and offers me a piece of gum and starts reading his book. I was enjoying the sensation of flight and looking out the window at the world below. I had my Terry Brooks book on my lap and the guy asks me if I had been reading the Shannara series. I told him I had read them all except this latest book, which I was holding. This icebreaker opened up a very rewarding conversation. After discussing our favorite books and authors he asked me where I lived and where I was traveling to. I told him I was from Utah and I was going home from seeing my husband graduate from basic training. He told me he was in the army and we talked about that for awhile... then he said... so you are from Utah. Are you a Mormon, and then he corrected himself, or a Latter Day Saint? I told him yes and we began discussing religion. He was well versed in the bible and told me he had a Mormon friend and also that he had two missionaries knocking on his door this past week. He said he also lives by the San Antonio temple. So he started asking me about the temple. He asked what they looked like inside and I told him they are very beautiful and he wanted some more detail so I told him that we progress through a series of rooms in which we perform ordinances. He had never heard that word before and asked what an ordinance was and I told him it is a sacred religious ceremony like a baptism. I told him that in the temple we receive the exalting ordinances which allow us to return to God and live with him eternally. I told him that we believe every individual deserves the right to either accept or reject those ordinances so I told him we call temple work redeeming the dead. We research our ancestors and preform that work for them so they have the opportunity to return with God. I bore my testimony to him several times during our 3 hour conversation. He was knowledgeable and a funny thing was he asked me how "John" died.... I said do you mean Joseph Smith? He said yeah so I told him about the martyrdom and some basic church history and the pioneers. He just kept asking questions so I kept explaining and talking to this guy. I told him that we believe that God is the same yesterday today and forever and that he continues to give revelation to his children and I told him that in connection with the Bible we have The Book of Mormon. I also told him that we have continued scripture from the prophet and apostles who write books and address the church. He mentioned a passage in Isaiah about the two sons who return to Jerusalem to bring the gospel to that people and how the world will watch as those two men are killed and then Christ will raise them from the dead and return to the earth. He said that it has only been recently that that could ever happen. I told him that the revelation we have received about that scripture is that those two sons will be two of our apostles and that Christ will raise them from the dead and will start the second coming. We agreed that the only way the world could all watch was through television and the Internet... so this guy and I actually agreed on a lot of what we talked about. I like to think that it all made sense to him. So we discussed some other things from the scriptures and then started to talk about people who only practiced their religion on Sundays. He said well if I die on Sunday I am ok right? I said... deathbed repentance? We don't believe in that. I told him that repentance is a process in which we acknowledge our sins and are actually changed in our character to never do those things again and I told him that can't happen on your deathbed. We then proceeded to talk about people who said they have already been saved by accepting Jesus Christ but have never practiced their religion. We both agreed that that was not how it worked. He told me that one time some preacher came up to him and told him that it would only take 30 seconds and he could be saved. He walked away from the guy because he thought that was crazy. I laughed. I told him that I have had friends that have served their missions in the Bible Belt and that they had a hard time with success because everyone was already certain that they had been saved. I then told him my brother was serving a mission in the Philippines. We related missionary work to joining the military and I talked about my experience in going to church with Chris which I will relate later. We talked about our families and I told him that my dad converted to the church and none of his family are members but they are all really good people but I also told him about my mom's family and how they were all members but how most of them had fallen away. So we talked about how there are good people in the world even if they aren't Mormon. We then started talking about religious fanatics. I told him people can get pretty fanatical in Utah with their emergency preparedness and certain aspects of the church and I told him that I believed that I need to heed the words of the prophets and what they have counseled but not make my own analysis on revelation and try and convince everyone to join with my thinking. We talked about how life is all about balance and how people that are religiously fanatic are not very balanced therefore not very healthy. He told me that there are fanatics with every religion but he also believed that there needed to be a balance. I told him I am a very religious person and am striving for balance in my life. The conversation was just all natural and not forced and he was genuinely interested but in the end he said it is just easier for him to believe that we were created and then when we die it is the end. He said that is a pretty desolate view point and I talked to him about yes our bodies die but what about our spirits? I told him that spirits are eternal. He didn't really want to believe that and then we started talking about the creation and how this guy he worked with thought it was strictly 6 days. 24 hour periods. I told him that is not what we believe. I told him they are periods of time which God designates calling them by one day. We discussed how it is impossible for us to judge God's timeline and we can't compare it to what our time is set at. We then started talking about the details of the creation. He related this to me. There is a tree. You cut down the tree, shave the tree, cut the tree and then shape the tree into the chair but there has always been a tree. The whole time he is talking about this I just kept thinking about the temple and the part we learned about the creation. I wish I would have told him more about how we organized matter to create these things but what I ended up talking about what how God creates everything spiritually before they were ever created physically and he agreed with that. So this guy was kind of contradicting himself saying that he didn't believe in a before or after life. So I am hoping I planted some good seeds with this guy. We talked until the plane landed and he got up and told me it was a pleasure talking to me. So I felt pretty good. I smiled the whole way walking through the airport. It feels good to have missionary experiences and I am grateful to have those experiences that make me realize more how much I know and believe and am grateful for the gospel. He was a nice guy and I hope one day he realizes it is worth it to think and ponder and come to know God and your divine nature instead of taking the easy way out and just not believing it. So I am grateful for Terry Brooks and that conversation that his book created for me on my flight today.

On to the trip!
I flew in on Wednesday and spent the evening trying to aquaint myself with the base... I had a map but was completely lost... I ended finding the commissary and base exchange and bought some food and shampoo because mine exploded during travel... it has happened to me before... I should have learned my lesson... but alas, I made the same mistake. So after exploring I went back to the hotel to sleep. I set the alarm on the clock in my room and on my phone and planned to go to the 7:3o orinentaion the next morning. I went to sleep and the next thing I woke up... I thought it strange that I would wake up before my alarm so I rolled over to look at the clock. It was 10:26!! I cussed and then started to cry because I missed orientation and the airman run. I didn't know when the coin ceremony started so I threw on some clothes and went out the door... I made it to the best part of the coin ceremony and found Chris and amazingly with a packed crowd there was a seat on the bleachers right by him. So I sat down and ended up crying because the ceremony was so cool. Afterwards I approached Chris from behind and tapped him on the shoulder. I told him about my morning and we went exploring the base together. We went to some stores and justy spent time together and we were waiting for his parents to get there. We went out to eat in the BX and ate some pizza. We then decided to go to a movie because we were bored and didn't want to sit around waiting for his parents. We went to Transformers 2 which was a huge waste of time. After half an hour I was ready to leave. It was funny though because after the previews there was no sound and two more times the movie was interrupted and Chris told me it was probably some TI enjoying messing up the movie... we ended up leaving early because we didn't want Chris to be late and lose privileges the next few days. We found his parents at the theater and brought him back to his dorm. I was tired and went to bed while his parents explored. They met me again after they were done and we set a time for us to meet the next morning for Graduation. I thought it wasn't as cool as the coin ceremony but here are s0me pictures of the parade.

After the parade we got to see his dorm. Marie was so worried about 60 guys sharing the dorm so I took these pictures just for her... it wasn't as bad as I thought. It was very clean and well taken care of.

Afterwards we had the chance to see a WNBA game... it was awesome. The San Antonio Stars and the LA Sparks. I have gotten bored with the NBA and these women were so exciting. They were so fast and making all these swirly plays. I loved the picks and rolls that those women did. The game ended up going into over-time and was very exciting. The only obnoxious thing was the announcer really had us do DEFENSE every time the opposing team had the ball... he was so obnoxious the way he said it and Chris and I made fun of it the whole game.

Saturday we had the whole day to be with Chris. I had a rough morning and Chris and his parents went to the River Walk and the Alamo. Then Chris came and spent the rest of the day with me. We watched Napoleon Dynamite because it is kind of a tradition with us... kinda weird, I know. Then Chris parents left and Chris and I watched his BMT video and looked at the pictures that were taken. He said the movie was so toned down and softened compared to the real thing. It was very interesting. I went to take him closed and my usual gate was closed so we were driving around and worried we would be late, but he made it.

Sunday was awesome. We ran some errands and then went to church. The spirit was so strong. Everyone wanted and needed to be there. At home people are just there by obligation or that is what there family and friends were doing. It was hilarious though because on of the counselors came up to Chris and said, "Since you are such a starwalt member will you say the invocation?" So Chris said yes and then right before the meeting started another counselor approached Chris and asked him if he had seen a certain trainee. Chris didn't even know who he was talking about and ended up pinch hitting in his place. He spoke on reverence and respect. He related it to his mission and then to basic training and then bore a powerful testimony. We didn't get to stay for any other meetings because of Chris' curfew so I took him back and we said our goodbyes. I thought it would be harder then the original goodbye but I was renewed and strengthened by his presence. I then came home the next day. It was very rewarding and I wished I had an experience where I could have so much growth and accomplishment. I was jealous. Hopefully one day I will feel that way about myself. I am so grateful for the sacrifices Chris made and continues to make in behalf of our family. I am truly blessed to have him as my husband.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane... I don't know when I'll come home again... well actually next monday

The time has come.... less that 24 hours I will be on a plane for San Antonio. I spoke with Chris last night. Here are his final stats.

1.5 mile run: 10:45
Push ups in 1 minute: 48
Sit ups in 1 minute: 50

So his rank is liberator.

He has lost 22 lbs. He now weights 175 lbs

He scored 93% on his academic test. So keep your fingers crossed that he gets honor grad.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Graduation countdown: 15 days! And a letter to boot!


These letters are so rare :( Let me get some important stuff out of the way. Next week like the 31st or somewhere around there, you will get a phone call from me that will be rushed and super short. Basically we will be going to the BEAST, but we will be telling you that we are deploying. We will be out in "the field" for a whole week. No mail, no contact. It's all good though. More to read when I get back :)

Today was the obstacle course. We marched an hour to the course and an hour back :( The course was 1.5 miles long and very exhausting. Crawling, climbing, swinging on ropes, climbing, crawling on a rope over water, swinging over water, lots of running and all in our uniform. By the time I was done I weighed about 20 lbs more due to water weight (sweat) and sand, and I lost a little skin on my finger, but it's all good.


I have less than ten minutes so I will try to get as much info as possible in here. Today was CBRNE training and the gas chamber. They drove us out where we are going to camp on week six and taught us a lot about being prepared for attacks and improvised explosive devices. So we all have gas masks issued to us. I think they are cool. We went into the gas chamber 20 at a time and did 10 jumping jacks before taking off our masks. It burns your skin... before you can leave the room they make you take two deep breaths and give a reporting statement. Not fun. It chokes you and you can't see and your nose runs....


So, ok... Where did I leave off? I told you about the obstacle course, I talked to you on the phone about 2 hours ago. What happened today? We worked in our wall lockers ( we got our "blues" uniforms this week) all morning. We wont even get to wear them until week seven... more stuff to inspect. :(

Have I ever told you that laundry crew sucks? Most of us are wearing dirty clothes today. We'll catch up tomorrow. Sunday is the only day we can expect to get laundry done.


We did our MIGA2 training yesterday... It sucked. Well it was fun, but I didn't get marksman. :( we had to shoot with gas mask inserts, the gas mask and a big huge hearing protection.. I had a hard time maintaining my stockweld while targeting.. Oh well I passed. I can still look forward to honor grad. That's a lot of hard work. I've got to keep pushing.

Today we took pictures in our Blues "big pimpin" uniform and we took the flight photo. I look pretty good in blues :) We do a lot of marching....

Let me tell you what we eat and how we eat. We get three meals a day and are required to eat. So the instructors can't punish us by not letting us eat, but they can restrict how much time we have to eat. So breakfast is about 5 minutes to eat, 7 for lunch and 10 for dinner. So it is your standard lunch line. Servers on one side and trainees on the other.We stand tray to tray and order our food with, :"please sir/mam" and a "thank you sir/mam." I usually have sausage, eggs, ham, french toast, yogurt, banana, a glass of water and a glass of gatorade. ( more than I used to eat at home) Sometimes it is hard to keep it down after PT.... for lunch we usually have roast beef or chicken with whatever they decide to put out. Green beans, carrots, broccoli, rice... sometimes they have ravilolies or spinach and cheese, rolls, bread.... fruit...left overs. Same with dinner. I think there is a quantity over quality rule the chef lives by, but the food isn't bad. We have had MREs twice so far. They are a lot better than the old ones my dad used to have. We will be eating those all week next week.

I got a letter from Marie and Ty today. It was pretty cool. I should write them if I get the time. I also got your letters from the 24th of July and that card from your grandparents.

Keep on keeping on. I do think about you a lot. I've only had two or three dreams wand you were in one. The other ones were BMT dreams :(

Well I have a lot to do before bed and need to be up at 0230. It's a detail day again... sigh. Put your shoulder to the wheel!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Who'da thunk?

I got two phone calls yesterday!! One for half and hour and then another one for 15 minutes. We discussed all of our travel plans and I asked him a lot of questions that I had. He also had 30 minutes of time to spend on the Internet.

His flight earned base liberty because they were given the assignment to put up a tent. His flight had the tent up and taken down and accomplished all their tasks before their brother flight even got the tent up. So they helped them put up the tent and take it down. He said they had been doing CPR this week as well. He said that you usually get Base Liberty the week before the BEAST. So that is this week so I will get a letter he sent out last week but after that probably two weeks of no communication. Pooh. But I get to see him in 18 days. I actually had a weird dream about it last night... it was like Christmas time and Bob and Barb we at Granny's and all my friends from work were there and we went to see the Airman's run and we saw Chris and then he snuck away to come see us and I was worried he would get in trouble so I sent him back. I always have weird dreams. Especially recently.

I asked him what his stats were for PT. He said he can run the mile and a half in 11:00. He can do 39 push ups and 38 sit ups. I think when he left he could do 32 on both of them. So he has improved but he is not good enough for honor grad with the physical test, so he is studying extra hard so he can get honor grad in the academic portion. He has to get 90% or higher to qualify. I have every faith that he can do it. So does his mom. That's why I have been getting so few letters lately. He is studying hard. I've been a little sad but it would be cool to go to the Honor Graduate Ceremony. So I am glad he is working hard.

So that's about all. He has 15 days of leave when he gets home to spend with family.... I wish I had 15 days of leave so we could be together the whole time, but, alas, I must work. As well as everyone else.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Graduation Plans finalized

After some bumps in the road we are finally have our plans set for our trip to graduation. I have been a little worried because I don't really have a mode of transportation and I have been trying to get all the information I can so I know where I have to walk. I did have the reception center tell me there are buses, but I don't know where they start and stop. I sent in a email request to some department and they emailed me back that they couldn't give me any of that information because of base security... yet I called public affairs and they emailed me a map. So that helped but I don't know how in the heck I am going to get to the reception center which is clear on the other side of the base from my hotel. I have to be there at 7:30 AM too for orientation. That is where my biggest concern has been. I am going to lose and hour going to San Antonio, which will totally mess up my strict bedtime schedule. And then when I wake up it will feel even earlier than it usually does.... So I went to the temple yesterday to have the strength I need to be able to accomplish these tasks and be fully awake and alert and not drowsy and out of it. I am going to start a week in advance going to be an hour earlier and getting up an hour earlier... that's 5 AM kids... yuck. I felt comfort that I would be able to accomplish all of this and have a wonderful time with my husband. So that's the plan. Keep me in your prayers for added strength and courage and all will be well.

20 days to go!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 36: Finally a letter! It has been forever!


just read you letters. It's week 3. We spent 2 1/2 hours outside practicing for the parade on the 21st. That sucked. So we talked about everything that will happen that day. A lot of sun... But we'll look good. Just so you know how to find me I will be in flight 557. Out instructor is the tallest one out here, and I should be one of the tallest whitest trainees out there.

I have a rash down under from sweat... took a shower. We are going to be doing self aid buddy care all week. (basic life saving skills)

I have received 341's for Having an area in complete disarray, improperly filling out a form, (it was in sharpie) One for not opening a door for a TI and one for failing inspections. I was given demerits for dirty clothes when the TI found sand in my pants that I took to the dry cleaners... Oh and one for "not following instructions." (I was never given any instructions) 2 trainees almost went home today for not getting their areas cleaned up. There are those that get 341's pulled all the time and there are some that try to stay invisible and have none. I am too big and busy to not get noticed.

So we walk to church and then sit in a big multi-religious chapel and sweat until the second hour. After Sacrament they split into groups, one for blessings of comfort. One for zero week and one for Priesthood. Every week they recognize the graduates and have them give talks. They are usually short. The leadership is pretty old and you can tell there is a different twist or feeling coming from the local LDS people.. There really aren't many. When we get there trainees are doing everything. Including prelude music.... that usually sucks. They start playing music that isn't spiritual and we keep asking why no one will stop them and play normal stuff. Grrr....

Running in A-Lane sucked today. They just started sprinting for the first three laps and then a TI finally told them to slow down. We run in groups for 15 minutes and then a 10 minute free run and then 30 second sprints! You feel like you are going to die every time!

So it's going to be hard to push it and get honor-grad and marksman but I think I can do it... Hardest experience ever.

We get up at 4:45 every morning to do PT. We sleep in our PT clothes. We don't really slow down until after lunch.

Oh a kid from our brother flight got recycled back to zero week at lunch today. He didn't know any of his memory work. The section supervisor gave him plenty of chances to prove something and the kid couldn't tell him anything.


Just caught up with your letters. There is no time to read or write letters unless you are lazy and don't do your work and studies. Let me answer some questions. The TI's are completely random with rewards. They like to use the words, "if" and "maybe." Phone calls come when they say. I think we'll get one tomorrow. We have 58 trainees divided into two bays. Sharing eight stalls, eight sinks, four urinals, one big shower with 8 heads and a big day room... well big enough to squeeze us all in it. The bays are half bunk bed and half normal. They are single twin mattresses. I am 6'3" and there is one that stands at 6'4." The instructor is 6'7." There are a bunch of young and short guys... anyway the beds are made to exacting standards and we try to sleep in them so that we don't have to completely remake them. That sucks. I constantly wake up with numb toes or sore legs from the tightness of the sheets or shortness of the bed. Our usual schedule consists of:

Week Days:
0445 Wake up
0500 PT (run alternated with exercises)
0700 Breakfast
0730 Details
0830 Classroom instruction or drill practice
1130 Lunch
1230 Instruction or drill practice
1630 Dinner
1730 Airman's time/ Day's review
1830 Details/ Study/ Get everything ready for inspections
2100 Lights out


0545 Wake up
0630 Breakfast
Church (we do laundry here)
1130 Lunch
Church (we do church at 1430)
1630 dinner
1830 Details
2100 Lights out

So that's what it's like... I guess. It changes a lot. Like yesterday we had KP duties and woke up at 0230 to go to work at 0330 in the kitchens. We worked clear to 1930 with breaks only to eat. we were sooo tired. Come week six we will spend a whole week "out in the field" at the BEAST.

I am probably the 4th oldest here. The oldest being 30 and the youngest 17.

There is a lot of foul language but it is easy to ignore when I am with two other Mormons. I have said my fare share of, "Damn its" though. :(

This is definitely harder than the MTC. Mentally, physically, emotionally it's all extreme. It's hard for me to imagine anyone going through all this. Even myself. It's pretty amazing though.
It's good to hear that...

Sigh.. I need to send this off


My plans are set. 23 days 'til Graduation!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Base Liberty means a phone call home!

Chris had told me in one of his previous letters that he might be able to call me today... so of course I am on break and in the bathroom when he calls... So I answer the phone and I wonder what Diana was thinking of me because she was in the bathroom too... oh well... this is important. Who cares what she thinks...

So I answer the phone and Chris told me he had 24 minutes to talk. So I have 5 minutes left of my break and I was like who cares. So I ended of taking a 29 minute break. It's ok my supervisors are nice. So he starts by telling me he was catching up on my letters. I asked him how many he had and he said 4. So I asked him how often he got mail and he said usually everyday but some days they are just too busy. He said he wishes he could write more but if you are doing what you should be doing there wont be much time to write letters. He said some guys mess around or will write letters at night, but he is doing what he is supposed to and if it were me I would want as much sleep time as possible. So I am not bitter.

I asked him if he received our family home evening packet and if he got made fun of for all the girly paper and colors and markers. He said no. The only time anyone sees his mail is if he gets a package and the TI will just open that for everyone to see. And if they receive a picture they are required to show that to the TI. So apparently he can have more than one picture so send him pictures if you want... just not anything that you don't want all 60 of them to see. And remember the TI made fun of his hair in our wedding photo.

I asked him if he liked my rambling letters and he said yes. Getting mail is definitely better than getting no mail.

In one of my recent letters I had told him about Lily trying to jump out the window at cars when we are driving, so he asked me if she really did that and I told him that she loses her window privileges when she does it so she is getting better. Then I asked him if he got the letter about her and my pills. He said yes and that he knew that was going to happen. I asked him why and he said because you have so many pill bottles on the counter... so I told him they were no longer there.

I asked him what church was like and he said they march for a half hour to the chapel and then they have sacrament meeting and the speakers are usually the trainees that graduated that week. After sacrament meeting they go to either relief society of priesthood or the new comers class. So the first week was with the missionaries and they sent me the email and the pictures and the second week they had interviews with the branch president.

I asked him a question from my dad. My dad wanted to know if this or the MTC (missionary training center) was harder. In a previous letter he told me this was the hardest thing he has ever had to do. So I asked him if going to the MTC better prepared him for basic training. He said I think it is just because I am older. Most of these guys are straight out of high school.

I asked him if he had friends or if he stuck to himself. He said the atmosphere promotes team work so they are all pretty good friends except there are a few who are the odd man out.

I asked him more about his inspection when he got called a liar and he said there was more to the story which was sensitive information. He told me he kept a sock that he used for dusting and the TI went off about his sloppy sock. Poor Chris.

He told me he has been doing laundry for two days. I asked him if he volunteered for the position or if he was assigned the position. He said the TI asked for volunteers first and he volunteered because everyone had told him to do that. I had talked to his boss, Dan, and he told Chris that he should do Kitchen Duty. So I asked him about that and he said he did it for one day and it was just as bad. He told me he was the guy that got everyone's trays when they were done and it really sucked. I asked him what the best job was and he didn't really answer.

In a letter I had sent him I asked him what he wanted to do while we were there for his graduation. So he asked one of his friends in the background what we should see and he told him that we should go to the River Walk. He said we can go to Sea World if we want to as well.

He asked what else was going on and I told him his Dad was in Yellowstone and his Mom works hard. He said he wants pictures of all of them. So I am going to send him all the pictures in his wallet but feel free to send him some as well.

He then gave me an overview of what the next few weeks would be like. He said this upcoming week is Hell Week and they are going to be really busy. He said they are taking a lot of tests and one of them is to see if they can take apart their gun and put it back together. He said they also get fitted for their "blues" as well this week. The week after that they go to the obstacle course and the week after that they spend a lot of time working with their guns because week six is The BEAST, Basic Expeditionary Airman Skills Training. It is where they put everything they have learned about combat training into action. They simulate a war zone for more info go to
It gives you all the details.

After that they told us we had one minute left and we said our goodbyes.

I was just surprised he got 24 minutes... lol. It was great!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 25


Hey Megan!
I'm tired... This week has been hard. Tomorrow we start third week. These guys are so young it sucks. I am trying to be patient but it is hard. Things got shaken up and we are all in different beds. Everyone disliked that and the new leaders in our flight are just as immature as everyone else. This week is known as "Hell Week," because everyone is going to start to snap and get in each other's faces. Fun.

We had our first official inspection yesterday and I actually got caught lying to and instructor!
He asked me if I used the spare razors in the back of my drawer and the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "No." He found hair on one and chewed me out for being a liar. I was really disappointed in myself. I couldn't believe that happened. :( We did our second evaluation for PT on Thursday and I clocked in at 11:40 on my run. I need to push harder. I need to make 9:30 by week seven. I know I can do it. It just wont be fun. At all. I'm sure I am losing weight. We eat a lot and drink a lot, but we also move a lot. I guess that our flight has a good chance of making PT excellence. More than 40 of us are running in the fastest lane during PT. We are all getting overconfident and it's just a matter of time until everything crashes down. There isn't much I can do to prevent it. There is too much ego here.

My drill is getting better. My legs just take a little extra time to get everything down so I practice that when I can. It is going to look really cool when we march on graduation day.

This is definitely the hardest experience of my life. I don't recommend it to those who are between the ages of 17-20. It's like a bad day everyday.. My pulse is at 66 btm. That is the lowest it has been my whole time here! When I was running the other day it was at 170 bpm.

So our TI is Staff Sergeant Dancer. He is like 6'7" and weighs about 200 lbs. He is always wired and sometimes he'll show up to the dorm with Mountain Dew or a Monster. He is actually a lot cooler than most. I think we all really look up to him and respect him because he seems more human than some TIs.

I really want a snack right now.

So I think I am currently back under the radar and am not sure if I want to stay under the radar for long. I don't really see myself as a leader. I am more of the advising type..... sigh, we'll see what happens.

There were four Mormons in our flight and from the sound of it, that is some kind of record. Well one of us was sent off to the 319th because his eyes kept blanking out... he should have never come here. What a waste of time. So the three of us that are left are all next to each other. We are all married and we tend to perform better than most of the other trainees. Probably because we are older. People ask the funniest questions and since we didn't have name tapes to start we were called "The Mormons" and it has stuck.

I enjoy your letters. It is cool that I get one every time he passes out mail. I wish I could write more. There is a rumor that we might get Base Liberty next weekend.... we'll see how that goes. If so then I'll probably be calling again.

You are still in my prayers! (of course) Thank you for giving me strength!



It's a Sunday and I am sweating. I spent all morning doing laundry. Sigh. Laundry sucks. We did towels, underwear and t-shirts.

I slept pretty good last night. We pretty much eat, stand in line and go to church on Sundays. The rest of our time goes to folding clothes and studying.

Church starts at 14:30 and it is half and hour march to the chapel. We only go for two hours and we are back just in time for dinner. I think you will find our church services interesting if you come.

I get paid on the 1st and the 15th and I guess all special pays are split between the two. Make sure you let me know how much we are getting paid so I can fix any errors.

A TI told me to march out to the patio and tell all the trainees that is was closed because of the heat. That was fun. All these older trainees looked at me like, "Who are you?" I yelled at them again. Then they heard the TI behind me and they scattered like rats.

Well I'm off to church....

Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 21: Family Home Evening and a letter home



Unfortunately my ime to write is very limited but I'll write as much as I can. I received a letter from my father and a letter from the church commending me for my decision to join the Military. I will have to limit most of my communication to you and you will have to tell the family and friends.

When the TI hands out mail there is always some ridicule. Some people get 7-10 letters at a time so feel free to write as much as you want. I actually got laughed at for my hair in our wedding photo but I don't care. I am glad you sent it.

I am sorry things aren't running very smoothly but I am happy you are using your resources. I thought I registered Windows! Grrr.... Dan will get you up to date.

I burned 3300 calories in a 15 hour time period yesterday. We spent two hours in 80+ degrees rolling through sand and practicing weapons fighting. There was dirt everywhere. Have I mentioned that it is always hot and we are required to drink 8-12 canteens a day? People pass out everyday.

I have started to settle in. I am becoming more confident and am noticing that I pick up on things faster. A lot of trainees look up to me but I am trying to keep as low as possible. Most of our leaders have been replaced once or twice and I don't want that much pressure while I'm trying to memorize and practice everything. The TI knows my name but I think we are on good ground.

I am on Laundry Crew like everyone said I should do and it sucks... I hate you Justin!

Be strong. I know you can do what is required. You might need help but you can do it. Pull on the strength of our families and the members of the ward. Keep reading your scriptures and apply them. It is so cool to share the gospel here. They actually tell us to live from Sunday to Sunday here.

Got to go... Love you!


Christopher W Clark

So I am horrible... I just made it so Chris will get a load of ridicule today. I had the activity for FHE tonight and we wrote Chris letters with all this colored paper and fancy scissors and markers. Lol. I feel bad for him but it is great all the same. He will love them and so will everyone else because they can make fun of him. It will be great! So everyone write him letters!! I want him to break the record for most letters received! I think that would be a great accomplishment for all of us!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Life scare on the homefront....

So I like aged ten years today. I woke up at 7:22 and Lily woke up with me. So I got a bowl of cereal and then laid back in bed for what ended up being ten minutes. So Lily jumped on the bed and was chomping on something. So I sit up and discover she is chewing on the remnants of one of my pill bottles.... so I jump out of bed and start an inventory of all the drugs in my bathroom and of course my latest sleeping pill is gone... so I start searching the house to find the rest of the bottle and all the pills... but I couldn't find them... so I am freaking out that my dog just overdosed on Halcion and am waiting for her to fall asleep. So I called the pharmacy and they weren't open so then I tried the emergency number with Lily's veterinarian. He told me we needed to induce vomiting. So I said I have hydrogen peroxide and he starts telling me I need thirty ccs of it... so I was like... how much is that? So we talk about it and I am trying to figure out how to make her drink it... well I had no way so the vet tells me we could meet there but he would charge an $80 emergency visit fee... I was like I don't have $80...... So I start calling people to see if thy have a syringe and I called the closest family and then didn't have 0ne but they sent Trevor to the store to get one. So then I call my parents and they didn't have one either. So my dad told me that a dog will usually vomit on its own when it eats something bad... so I remembered a time when Molly got some stomach medicine and puked all night. So I thought that was probable so I went outside and started looking for puke. Well there was nothing outside and it had been 20-30 minutes and Lily was just normal. So I remembered she had puked under our bed before and I hadn't noticed so I start taking stuff out from under the bed and I found the rest of the bottle and all but one of the pills. So we are very lucky.... we could have had a major disaster this morning. So I am certain Chris was praying for us and that is why we're ok. Needless to say the remaining drugs are well out of reach.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 15: A phone call and letter home

Today was eventful. I sent the usual letter in the mail when I leave for work and then I went to work and then to the Doctor and then back to work. I always leave my phone concealed on my desk so I can feel it vibrate but people can't see it so I wont get in trouble because cell phones are a no no in my workplace. So at 4:50 my phone starts vibrating. I look at it and it is a number I don't know with an area code I didn't recognize so I am like.. It's gotta be Chris... but I am stuck on the phone talking to this dumb guy wanting to transfer $1800.00 out of his account. Who does that? Honestly... so I miss the call and I am sad and determined at the same time that I am going to finish with this dumb man and call the number back. So as soon as I am ending the call with this guy my phone starts vibrating again. So I lock my computer and run out into the hall and answered the phone.... I didn't recognize the voice. I figured it was Chris but he sounded so weird. So I asked who it was and he said Chris. So I said you sound so weird. And he said, "Well we are all a little sick around here." I asked him why and he said, "When you get 60 guys living in the same dorm sharing one bathroom everyone gets sick. We call it the crud." I asked him how he was and he said he was tired but good. He said things aren't as crazy around her like the last time I called you but they are still pretty crazy. So I asked him why I hadn't gotten a letter from him because I thought it was pretty unusual for me to get a phone call from him and not a letter. He said he had sent me one on Saturday so I should be getting one soon. And I got one in the mail today!! :D. But we were talking about letters and he told me he got the one with the picture of us from our wedding and then he got another one today that had the picture of our house with the flag and the dead grass.
I wanted him to see how Patriotic I was and also how mysterious it was that our grass just died. He said he didn't have a chance to read it yet but that his MTI made fun of him for it. Because over the week of the Holiday I couldn't send out his letters so they stacked up, because I write him everyday, so this enveloped had like 4 days worth of letters and I couldn't get the envelope to seal so I had to use the only tape in our house which happens to be a blue roll of painter's tape. So when his MTI saw that he asked him if I was painting the house and they all made fun of him. So I thought that was pretty funny and I had used the tape like that on two letters... so the blue tape is a no no. I guess I will just have to use more than one stamp instead of cramming it all in one envelope. He told me his letters might be a little random and disconnected because he writes whenever he has the chance and then sends it out whenever they send mail. I told him... oh so they will be like my letters. I usually write him a letter at work in between calls that I just write weird stuff. Like yesterday I wrote him two dorky poems. I think they will put a smile on his face though. Then we talked about finances and how stressed I had been and how we hoped I would be able to come to his graduation. He had also left me a message about the information he needs to get for everyone who wants to come to his graduation. So we talked about that. And I had so many questions to ask him that I just forgot while we were talking. He asked me how Lily was and I told him she had been moody with me because we were playing volleyball at my parents house with Marie and Tyler and the Buchanans and we couldn't keep her outside because she would chase the ball around. So when I took her home that evening and ever since she had been moody and wont sleep with me. She keeps trying to sleep under the bed so I drag her out and put her in her kennel. The poor thing. I had demonic calls today so I was 40 minutes late coming home from work and she was so sad. She has separation anxiety. So she is outside chewing on grass to help her feel less stressed. Which isn't good. She hasn't been eating her food either.... Maybe it is time I called the vet again. Poor thing. But then he asked me how I was and I said good. I had been so busy with Marie, Ty and Lucy here that I had been going back and forth from their house to my house and I said, "I don't know how you handled driving to and from SLC everyday. That must have really sucked." Then people started telling him how much time he had left. So he told me to listen to his message about his graduation and send out the letter with everyone who was coming so he could get them cleared to come on base for the graduation. And then we said goodbye. So we talked for about three minutes. But here are the letters he sent.

I guess I'll start by just letting you know that no one can send me anything but letters. The TI's go through everything!
It has been harder than I thought, a lot harder, but I know it is worth it. A lot of people don't have the advantage of knowing what they are doing this for. I know what job awaits me and that you will be there. When things are the hardest I try to remember why I am here.

The group started with 60 and we have lost 4 and gained 2. The 2 we gained were "recycled" from older flights because they received too many derogatory comments and 341's (Disciple forms.) Believe it or not, I had four pulled this week alone. They say that five will give you a "U" for the week of training and a "U" will disqualify you from getting Honor Grad. So everyone is constantly stressed.

It is one of the hottest summers on record down here and I will be here throughout the worst of it. It is usually around 100-107 degrees outside. We can't even march in that heat.

Out MTI is 6'7" 207 lbs and when we first got here he was like a demon from Heck!... Sometimes he still is.

Zero week was a whirl of screaming and running like chickens with heads cut off. They want us to absorb so much so fast!

Church was a long hard 30 minute march on Sunday and I cried when I thought about you. I miss you soo much. I cling to that last hug and kiss you gave to me at the airport and can't wait to hold you again.

I love you, I pray for your strength as well as mine.

Chirstopher W Clark

P.S. I am sorry this was so short. We have so little time. I got your letter dated June 28th and a letter from Ty and Marie. I look forward to a picture :)


I hope you enjoyed fireworks and family today. We had our first wall locker and dorm inspections today and everyone failed! Everything in our dorm is inspectable from here out. I am on Laundry Crew and that is stressful at the moment. Everyone is crying about not getting clothes back or about how they are not clean enough. I just tell them that if they follow the instuctions they were given that everything will be fine.... bunch of whining teens.

Yeah we stink pretty good. I don't care. I am losing weight. The TI seems to think our Flight can get some fitness award. So I am doing exercises at night. I am gonna be ripped! We test again on Thursday. I will let you know how I am doing.

The guys cried again today when they lost a phone call we never knew we had. The TI's like to tell us stuff to get us motivated. :) Patience is very important for us older guys here. It's usually a mistake or error on the part of a younger trainee that creates discomfort for everyone.

I will need new garments.... the day I get off this base. So we graduate on the 21st! That is quicker than I anticipated. Unfortunately I will be stuck here until the 30th doing details and mentoring trainees. I want to get out as soon as possible!

Let me know what is going on at home or write me questions. One day I might get a call home but don't expect it. Keep me in the loop on finances. I really want you to be there when I graduate!

Well I have got to go. It's time to send mail..
I love you!

Christopher W Clark :)

So there you have it... I didn't even cry today. Which I think is an accomplishment..... but the day isn't over and waking up in the morning is the hardest. Peace out.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

False Alarm

So I went out to the mailbox yesterday and guess what I found. An envelope addressed to me in Chris' handwriting so I got excited until I opened it. It was an invitation to his graduation and a brochure of travel in the area that would make a contribution to the Airforce if we chose their services. A good thing to have but I wanted a letter from him. So I guess they are still just letting them address the envelopes. It has been two weeks as of today so hopefully I will get something soon.

So with this addressed envelope I discovered that the missionaries that emailed me did not give me his full address. So hopefully our letters have been getting to him but here is the full address.

AB Clark, Christopher W
321 TRS/FLT 557 Dorm A-1
PSC #3
1320 Truemper ST, Unit 364063
Lackland AFB, TX 78236-5570

I updated it in the previous post as well. So write him some letters!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Letter from the Seventy

I went outside in the rain to get the mail today and I had a letter from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, The Seventy. It reads as follows:

Dear Sister Clark:
We recently learned that Christopher has joined the military and is attending basic training at Lackland AFB, TX. We are pleased to inform you that he has been attending the Church services on base and are grateful for the spirit he brings to the meetings. President Collins is the Church leader at Lackland AFB and will do all he can to help strengthen Christopher's faith and testimony. We appreciate your support and know you join with us in asking that the Lord will guide and protect him during this time of uncertainty and turmoil in the world.

In these troubled times, it is heartwarming to see members courageously step forward to help preserve our freedom and way of life. You can be proud of the part you have played in supporting Christopher in this important decision. Military life can be very rewarding for both the service member and his family. We express gratitude oi you for your selfless service and sacrifices in his behalf.

We have a deep and abiding interest in the welfare of Church members everywhere and want to ensure the blessings of Church membership are available wherever Christopher and you are stationed. As military members move around, occasionally they are unable to find out where and when the Church meetings are held. Our Military Relations Division can assist you. In addition, many times they can assist in locating the name of an LDS group leader at a deployed location around the world, so Christopher can attend Church services while away from his family.

If you have any Questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Military Relations Division at (801) 240-2286 or e-mail them at We know that the Lord is mindful of you and Christopher and the challenges you will face together as he valiantly serves in the Military.

Robert C Oaks

It just strengthens my testimony that Heavenly Father is indeed watching over everyone of us and gives us the support we need in this life. As terrible as the world can be there is the calming influence and support that the gospel and the Church bring to us. We are truely blessed to have such leadership in the church. I can't imagine what other family members are feeling without having heard anything about their family members. The missionaries contacted me and now the Seventy has contacted me. I can feel peace in knowing that he is being taken care of and watched over by multiple people in the Church. We are so blessed.